Neuro. Prod. > Accessories > Amplifiers > Chron. Rec. Dev. > Data Acquis. Sys. > Eye Track. Sys. > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinject. Sys.> Optogenet. Prod. > Prim. Train. Sys. > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instr. > Cell&Tissue Med. > Rodent Products Medical Products Electrochemical Products

Titanium Bone Screws

Bio-compatible screws

Neuroscience Products > Accessories > Amplifiers > Data Acquisition Systems > Eye Tracking Systems > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinjection Systems> Optogenetic Products > Primate Training Systems > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instruments > Rodent Products Electrochemical Products

Titanium Bone Screws

Bio-compatible screws

Thomas RECORDING offers two different kinds of titanium bone screws for animal research purposes. For the manufacture of the titanium bone screws highest grade titanium is used. The screws are self-tapping bone screws available in different lengths. The titanium bone screws have a high biocompatibility, a very high solidity, are less reflecting than steel and have a self-cutting shaft. Special screw drivers are also available for our titanium bone screw series. 

Key features of self-drilling titanium bone screws:

  • Self-drilling does not require predrilling and therefore reduces operating time
  • Self-drilling with self-fitting screw heads
  • Self-drilling and self-cutting with sharp screw tip for easy insertion
  • Special cross head together with special screw driver allows one hand screw insertion
  • Self-drilling in silver color for easy differentiation from only self-cutting screw type
  • Manufactured from high quality titanium
  • Quality label “Made in GERMANY”

Key features of self-cutting (self-tapping) titanium bone screws:

  • Self-cutting realizes an easier and faster handling as the use of the screwdriver with a screw holding mechanism is not necessary
  • Self –cutting requires a screw driver blade with self-fitting features
  • Predrilling of a core hole is required (for 2mm screws a 1.5mm drill is recommended)
  • Manufactured from high quality titanium
  • Quality label “Made in GERMANY”

Not intended for use in humans

Please pay attention to the fact that Titanium Mini Plate System is NOT intended to be used in human medical applications.

Self-drilling Titanium Bone Screws

Self-drilling and self-cutting titanium bone screws are shown in figure 1. These screw type has a silver color for easy differentiation from the only self-cutting titanium bone screws in figure 2.

Figure 1: Titanium bone screw, self-drilling and self-cutting with cross head (click on the figure to enlarge)

Ordering information:

figure tscrews 02 202401

Figure 2: Ordering information and dimensions of self-drilling bone screws (click on the figure to enlarge)

Self-cutting Titanium Bone Screws

Self-cutting (self-tapping) titanium bone screws are shown in figure 3. These screw type has a gold color for easy differentiation from the self-drilling titanium bone screws in figure 1. The self-tapping bone screws have a bunt tip (in contrast to the self-drilling bone screws) and require pre-drilling of a hole.

Figure 3: Titanium bone screw, self-cutting/tapping with cross head (click on the figure to enlarge)

Ordering information:

figure tscrews 04 202401

Figure 4: Ordering information and dimensions of self-cutting bone screws (click on the figure to enlarge)


[1] Dougherty, K., Carlson, B. M., Cox, M. A., Westerberg, J. A., Zinke, W., Schmid, M. C., … & Maier, A. (2021). Binocular suppression in the macaque lateral geniculate nucleus reveals early competitive interactions between the eyes. Eneuro.

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