Neuro. Prod. > Accessories > Amplifiers > Chron. Rec. Dev. > Data Acquis. Sys. > Eye Track. Sys. > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinject. Sys.> Optogenet. Prod. > Prim. Train. Sys. > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instr. > Cell&Tissue Med. > Rodent Products Medical Products Electrochemical Products

Inspection Microscope

Special adapted microscope for fiber inspection

Neuroscience Products > Accessories > Amplifiers > Data Acquisition Systems > Eye Tracking Systems > Microdrives > Microelectrodes > Microinjection Systems> Optogenetic Products > Primate Training Systems > Screws > Software > Stereotaxic Instruments > Rodent Products Electrochemical Products

Inspection Microscope

Special adapted microscope for fiber inspection

Complete inspection stereo microscope system for an easy check of the microelectrodes and microelectrode fibers during the manufacture.

The microscope is required for the test of the microelectrode tip shape and metal core over the whole fiber length. Moving distance of the microscope table is about 20cm of the electrodes. The special designed microscope table allows to move the table over the whole length of the electrode fiber. So it is possible to have a look at the electrode over the complete length! The microscope is delivered including this special designed lightweight and precision microscope table.

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